Billing for end of life conversations needs to be an honest discussion

Good old Earl Blumenauer.  A bespectacled and bowtied Congressman from Oregon.  He of the “death panel” proposal.  Thank God he’s still here.  Presuming that the crazy talk over the provision in the Affordable Care Act that would have paid doctors to discuss end-of-life issues with patients is over, he has introduced a separate bill with this provision and hopes to get it passed in the next couple of years.

via Billing for end of life conversations needs to be an honest discussion.

On Death and Fear: A Personal Reflection on the Value of Social Psychology Research to the Practice of Oncologists

On Death and Fear: A Personal Reflection on the Value of Social Psychology Research to the Practice of Oncologists.

The use of cholinesterase inhibitors and the risk of myocardial infarction and death: a nationwide cohort study in subjects with Alzheimer’s disease

Cholinesterase inhibitor use was associated with a reduced risk of MI and death in a nationwide cohort of subjects diagnosed with Alzheimer’s dementia. These associations were stronger with increasing ChEI dose.

via The use of cholinesterase inhibitors and the risk of myocardial infarction and death: a nationwide cohort study in subjects with Alzheimer’s disease.

Death can be a holy moment…even at birth | It’s OK to Die

Prepare yourself for one of the hardest and most beautiful lessons ever to be learned:

via Death can be a holy moment…even at birth | It’s OK to Die.


For most people, planning for death isn’t their choice way of spending an afternoon. Most people avoid the thought altogether, until they get older and accept death as just another part of life. As most people know, your death doesn’t only affect you; it affects everyone that you surround yourself with, and it’s important that you leave this world on good terms. There are many ways to make amends with your loved ones before passing, but of these things are a few that stand out above the rest.


Death with Dignity and Palliative Care | Death with Dignity National Center

Forbes contributor Dr. Peter Ubel recently put forth an op-ed titled “Death With Dignity Should Not Be Equated With Physician Assisted Suicide” in which he admirably gives readers more information about the Washington Death with Dignity Act, the soundness of the law as a public policy, and how well it’s worked in practice. He raises the excellent point that people shouldn’t think of dying with dignity as only physician-assisted death.

via Death with Dignity and Palliative Care | Death with Dignity National Center.

Determinants of death anxiety in patients with advanced cancer — Neel et al. — BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care

The findings suggest that death anxiety in patients with advanced cancer is common and determined by the interaction of individual factors, family circumstances and physical suffering. Multidimensional interventions that take into account these and other factors may be most likely to be effective to alleviate this death-related distress.

via Determinants of death anxiety in patients with advanced cancer — Neel et al. — BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

This Week in the Movement | Death with Dignity National Center

Throughout the week, we keep people up-to-date with information about the Death with Dignity movement and other topics related to end-of-life care through Facebook and Twitter. Below are highlights from the last week.

via This Week in the Movement | Death with Dignity National Center.

Events – London

‘Death, Digital Demise, Community & Digital Legacy’ is an event aiming to explore society’s changing attitudes and behavior in relation to ‘end of life’ and mourning. It will be examined from the context of todays’ connected world from a number of differing perspectives. The event will feature as part of ‘Social Media Week London’ (SMWLDN).  This year’s SMWLDN’s theme is: ‘Open & Connected reflecting on the global impact of social media and its role as a catalyst in driving cultural, political, economic and social change’.

via Events – London.

Medical Privacy After Death: Implications of New Modifications to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule

Medical Privacy After Death: Implications of New Modifications to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule

via Medical Privacy After Death: Implications of New Modifications to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule.